
Nordplus and Nordlys

Most exchange opportunities in the Nordic region are offered within the framework of the Nordplus/Nordlys network. This means that those who are nominated for an exchange in the Nordic region usually can get a scholarship for their exchange studies. This applies regardless of whether you have been assigned a subject-specific exchange via your Faculty/Department (Nordplus) or a GU-wide, cross-disciplinary exchange (Nordlys).

The following countries are available for the NORDLYS/NORDPLUS scholarships: Norway, Finland, Denmark, Iceland, Greenland and the Faroe Islands.

Medlemsuniversitet Nordlys (pdf 0,1 mb)

How do I apply for the scholarship?

If you have been nominated for a student exchange within the Nordic region, you do not need to send in a separate application for the scholarship. The University of Gothenburg applies for scholarship funds every year, and if the application is granted, scholarships can be disbursed to those students who have been admitted to studies abroad within the framework of Nordplus/Nordlys.

One requirement for the scholarship is that the exchange studies must be applied towards your degree at the University of Gothenburg. Thus, the exchange studies must be fully integrated into the study programme you are enrolled in at the University of Gothenburg. It is therefore important that you make a detailed study plan together with your study counsellor/international coordinator so that you are certain that the credits you obtain while abroad will transfer.

Here you will find information about nomination for exchange studies

Exchange studies in the Nordic region, within the multidisciplinary network Nordlys, is part of the Erasmus program since Autumn 2022. This means that students that have been nominated for exchange within Nordlys and often Nordplus receive an Erasmus scholarship for their exchange studies. On the following page, you will find information about the scholarship and what conditions and rules apply.



If you have been assigned a subject-specific exchange via your Faculty or Department the exchange is within Nordplus.  The international coordinator who nominated you for the exchange studies is your primary contact person during the visit abroad. If you have been accepted for a Nordic exchange within the subject-specific Nordplus network, the respective coordinator at your Faculty/Department will be the person to contact.


If you have been assigned a cross-disciplinary exchange via a university-wide agreement the exchange is within Nordlys.

The exchange period is 1–12 months in duration and you need to be enrolled at the University of Gothenburg at the time of application.

Summer course in the Nordic countries are attached to a Nordlys scholarship. The amount varies, from 600 Euros. In the link below, you can find current summer courses.

Contact: For the multidisciplinary Nordlys network, you may contact Mimmie Håkansson at the International Centre.

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Exchange studies in the Nordic Countries