If you believe that a decision regarding you is incorrect, you have the right to appeal against it. In order for your appeal to be processed, you must submit it within three weeks counted from the day you received the decision.
Decisions that can be appealed
The following decisions can be appealed:
- admission requirements
- deferment of studies
- to not resume studies after an approved leave from studies
- credit transfer
- degree
Situations when you should not appeal
A grade decision cannot be appealed, but you can request that the examiner reconsider their decision. Read more on the Exams page.
If you believe that your education does not follow the study regulations, you should instead submit a complaint. Complaints concerning your education.
Content of appeal
Note that your appeal should be signed. In your appeal, please state:
- The decision you want to appeal against, and its registration number
- The date upon which you received the decision in question
- How, in your view, the decision should be changed
- Your name, address, e-mail address and telephone number
Addressing the appeal
Send your formal appeal by e-mail to or by post to the following adress:
Överklagandenämnden för högskolan
Göteborgs universitet
Box 100
SE-405 30 Göteborg, Sweden
Appeal process
When an appeal is submitted to the University, the case is re-evaluated. The University of Gothenburg re-evaluates the decision and checks the information or evidence that has been added, which may be the basis for an amendment to the decision.
If the previous decision is not changed, the appeal is sent to The Higher Education Appeals Board (Överklagandenämnden för högskolan), together with an opinion from the University.
The Higher Education Appeals Board will give you the opportunity to present further documentation regarding your case. The final decision will be taken by the Higher Education Appeals Board.