Entrance to exam hall att Reutersgatan 2C.

Find the University's common exam halls

The University of Gothenburg's common examination halls are located at different addresses: Reutersgatan 2C, Första Långgatan 16 and Andra Långgatan 19.

If you have questions about what applies to your particular exam, contact the course coordinator or another suitable person at your department. By logging into the Student Portal and visiting My Page, you can see which faculty and department your course or programme belongs to. If you are studying a programme, there may be courses run by other departments and faculties than those responsible for your programme.

Reutersgatan 2C

  • At Reutersgatan 2C there are two exam halls.
  • The closest tram/bus stop is Wavrinskys plats.
  • There are toilets in the foyer.
  • To get to the entrance from Reutersgatan, take the path between the flower shop and Reutersgatan 4.
  • Map to Reutersgatan 2C on Google Maps
Gatuentrén till Reutersgatan 2C.
Street entrance to Reutersgatan 2C.

Första Långgatan 16

  • At Första Långgatan 16 there are two exam halls, one on the first floor and one on the second floor.
  • Digital screens inside the street entrance on the ground floor show which exams are being held that day. The screens will show where your exam is being held (on which floor and in which exam hall).
  • The closest tram/bus stop is Järntorget.
  • There are toilets in the foyers outside the exam halls on each floor.
  • Map to Första Långgatan 16 on Google Maps
Street entrance to Första Långgatan 16.
Street entrance to Första Långgatan 16.

Andra Långgatan 19

  • At Andra Långgatan 19 there are two exam halls, one on the first floor and one on the third floor.
  • Digital screens inside the street entrance on the ground floor show which exams are being held that day. The screens will show where your exam is being held (on which floor and in which exam hall).
  • The closest tram/bus stop is Järntorget.
  • There are toilets in the foyers outside the exam halls on each floor.
  • Map to Andra Långgatan 19 on Google Maps
Street entrance to Andra Långgatan 19.
Street entrance to Andra Långgatan 19.

What happens during the written exam

Are you writing an exam in the University's common exam halls? There is a page with information on how to prepare for your exam, what happens on the day of the exam and how to find the results of your exam once it has been assessed.

Examination in the common exam halls

Adapted exam

Your contact person at your department will tell you which address you will write at if you are writing an adapted exam. It may be a different address than where the regular exam is held. 

Read about adapted exams on the page Adapted examination in the common exam halls.