
Questions about your current course - Canvas

If you have questions regarding the content of a course you are currently taking (such as course materials, instructions, assignments, or feedback), you should contact your teacher through the course room in Canvas.

Questions about your programme

If you are enrolled in a programme, you can find contact methods on the programme's page on the Student Portal:

The administration of your studies

If you need assistance with practical matters related to your studies, such as registering for a course, certificates, or collecting exam papers, contact your study administrator. If you want help planning your studies or exploring future career options, contact your academic advisor. Contact information is available on your "home department's" page:

Official documents
Written communication with the University of Gothenburg, both via contact forms, email, and mail, are official documents and since we are a government agency. An official document is public unless it is considered to be classified.

How we handle your personal data
The University of Gothenburg is responsible for all processing of personal data that takes place as part of the University's day-to-day activities. The University safeguards all information entrusted to us.

Read more about how we process personal data, how to contact our data protection officer, and exercise your rights in relation to the University on the page Processing personal data on

Other questions about your studies and student life

If you are unsure whom to contact, Servicecenter can assist you in finding the right information or person. They provide service and support to all students at the University of Gothenburg. You can ask your question by visiting a Servicecenter, via a contact form, email, or phone.

Contact Servicecenter:

Questions about life in Sweden

Welcome Services offers information and assistance to international researchers, faculty, staff, and students in matters concerning the arrival to and their stay at the University of Gothenburg.

Welcome Services information on

Search for staff

If you want to find contact information for a staff member at the University of Gothenburg, you can search through the University's staff directory at

Purchase branded merchandise

You can purchase various items, including clothing, bags, and water bottles with the university's logo. In the University of Gothenburg's webshop, you can find our full range of branded merchandise, and at Servicecenter, you can find display items as well as selected products for sale.

University of Gothenburg's Webshop

Questions about the Student Portal

If you have questions or feedback about the Student Portal, you can send a message to the Student Portal's editorial team via our contact form.