
Innovation and utilization

If you have an idea that you believe could be beneficial to society, there are various forms of support and guidance associated with the University.

Research & Innovation Services

The Research & Innovation Services is the University of Gothenburg's support for utilization and innovations. They can give you support to further develop you own ideas, but also, you can participate in the process to help others develop their ideas.

Develop your own idea further

Do you have an idea or knowledge that you have worked on during your education at the University of Gothenburg, that you wish to develop further? The Research & Innovation Services can provide advice and is happy to explore ideas with you. How can you best formulate your idea in order to gain interest? What is the goal and what do you want? What is the next step to take so that the idea develops in the direction you want? What do you need to be able to take that step?

Contact information for the Research & Innovation Services

If you have any questions, please contact Camilla Pettersson

Help others develop their ideas

If you don't have your own idea but want to contribute to and work in innovation processes, you can assist in developing others' ideas. The Research & Innovation Services also run something called Research Impact Studio. There, you have the opportunity to, based on your field of study and your interests, become a part of a team that develops ideas and knowledge resources from the University, often stemming from ongoing research.

If you are interested in Research Impact Studio, please contact 

Drivhuset Gothenburg

Drivhuset helps students and others advance their ideas. They offer guidance, concrete methods, tools and a network of contacts. Regardless of where you are in your process, you are welcome to  contact Drivhuset for free advice.

Drivhuset's website

Venture Cup - a competition for business ideas

Venture Cup offers tomorrow's entrepreneurs inspiration, education, mentoring and the opportunity to build a solid network. If you have an idea, they can connect you with experts from the business world. They annually organize the competitions IDEA and STARTUP, as well asmore temporary challenges. They also offer the evening course Affärsplanering för tillväxtföretag (in Swedish) in collaboration with the University of Gothenburg.

Venture Cup's website

Course: Affärsplanering för tillväxtföretag (in Swedish)