Examination in the common exam halls
Are you writing an exam in the University's common exam halls? This page contains information on how to prepare for your exam, what happens on the day of the exam and how to find the results of your exam once it has been marked.
There are other exam halls
This page contains information about what applies if you are going to write an exam in the University's common exam halls. Sit-down exams can also be written at your departments facilities. If your programme or course includes classes at the Chalmers campus, you may write your exam in Chalmers' facilities.
If you have questions about what applies to your particular exam, contact the course coordinator or another suitable person at your department. You can also read our general information about written sit-down exams.
Getting ready for your exam
There are several things you need to know and have prepared in order to write your exam in the University's common exam halls.
Prepare your computer for a DISA exam
An e-examination is an exam written and assessed in a web-based system. At the University of Gothenburg, the system goes by the name DISA. E-exams are therefore often called DISA exams here. Most DISA exams are written using a lockdown browser that temporarily blocks your computer from any other activity besides the exam.
Do you need to borrow a computer?
What happens on the day of the exam
Find and view your results
When the exam is marked and graded, you will see the result and your grade in Ladok.