Support for students at the University of Gothenburg

What can we help you with?


Can these alternatives be helpful?

Drop us a message and we will assist you

If you can't find the answer to your question on the Student Portal, we are happy to help you. Describe your question about your GU card as detailed as possible, so we can help you out effectively.


Can these alternatives be helpful?

Using Canvas

Your course room in Canvas

If you need assistance with course content or have questions about the course structure in Canvas, please contact your teacher or course administrator.

Drop us a message if you have technical issues

If you need help with how to use Canvas, such as login or technical issues, we are happy to help you. Describe your question as detailed as possible, so we can help you out effectively.


Can these alternatives be helpful?

Drop us a message and we will help you

If you can't find the answer to your question on the Student Portal, we are happy to help you. Describe your question as detailed as possible, so we can help you out effectively.


Can these alternatives be helpful?

Drop us a message and we will help you

If you can't find the answer to your question on the Student Portal, we are happy to help you. Describe your question as detailed as possible, so we can help you out effectively.


Can these alternatives be helpful?

Drop us a message and we will help you

If you can't find the answer to your question on the Student Portal, we are happy to help you. Describe your question as detailed as possible, so we can help you out effectively.


Can these alternatives be helpful?

Questions about your course, programme or study administration

If you have questions about the content of your course, your programme, or inquiries regarding the administration of your education, you should contact the person responsible for your education directly.

Contact information is available on the course page in Canvas, your programme's page here on the Student Portal, and on your home department's page in the Student Portal.

Questions regarding your degree or credit transfer

On the page Degree you can, among other things, read about how to apply for your degree and about Degree Certificates. You can also submit your questions about graduation and credit transfer on the Contact the Degree Office page.

Looking for a member of staff

If you know who to contact, you can search for staff on If you're unsure whom to contact for help, you can write your question here.

Drop us a message and we will help you

If you can't find the answer to your question on the Student Portal, please ask your question here! Your question will be sent to Servicecenter.

Describe your question as detailed as possible, so we can help you out effectively.


Can these alternatives be helpful?

Drop us a message and we will help you

If you can't find the answer to your question on the Student Portal, we are happy to help you. Describe your question as detailed as possible, so we can help you out effectively.


Drop us a message and we will help you

Please describe your lost item and where at the University you lost it. 


Generate a digital Official Transcript of Records on your own

In Ladok, you can create a valid and verifiable certificate of registration, national certificate and Transcript of Records. You choose which information you want included and it you want it in Swedish or English.

Even after you have completed your studies, you can log in to Ladok to create a study certificate. You log in using Freja eID or BankID.

How to generate a Transcript of Records

Transcript with a signature

If you need a transcript with a signature, you can order it on this page.

It is only possible to order a transcript of the courses studied at the University of Gothenburg. In accordance with the Ordinance concerning fees, section 16, first and second paragraphs, orders that exceed 10 pages will be charged.

Choose certificate


Choose type

Choose type

The certificate shows courses you are admitted to but have not yet registered to.

Choose language

Choose language

Which location?
Time of exam
Exam name/course code
Describe the lost item
Other information


Log in to apply for a student locker at Humanisten

Student lockers at Humanisten can only be booked by students who are registered for a course or programme at the Faculty of Humanities.

Log in with your student account to read more about student lockers at Humanisten.

If you have questions about student lockers at Humanisten, ask them here:

Ask your question
First name
Last name
Date of birth
Your date of birth helps us if we need to search for you in our systems, for example, if we need to find your course or assist you with your student account or GU card."

The University of Gothenburg is a government agency. Messages that you submit here are official documents that can be requested. Read more about how we process personal data at