Contact the Section of Degrees

Ask your questions about degrees and credit transfers. We will get back to you as soon as we can. 

What is your question about?

If your studies abroad are to be transferred as credits in a particular main field of study or as a specific course, contact the study counsellor at your department.

As a student at the University of Gothenburg you can apply for credit transfer via Ladok. In Ladok you will find instructions on how to apply and what to attach. Make sure that your email address is correct in Ladok before you apply.

Courses taken at Swedish universities do not need to be credited if they are to be included in the degree as optional credits.

Courses from other Swedish higher education institutions may be included in a general qualification without any special credit transfer.

If your studies abroad are to be transferred as optional courses, with no specific main field of study, fill out an application form (pdf) Information regarding which documents that should be submitted and where to send the application can be found on the form.

More information about credit transfer for studies abroad

If you need help with what previous education or other knowledge you can transfer and what it can correspond to, you are welcome to contact the study counsellor at your department before you apply for credit transfer in Ladok.

Study counsellors at the University of Gothenburg (

Students at the Faculty of Social Sciences apply for credit transfer in Ladok. If you have questions regarding your application, please contact us via the contact form.

If you need guidance before applying for credit transfer, for example which courses or credits you could replace with your previous studies, please contact the study counsellor at your department before you apply.

The processing time for credit transfer for studies abroad as optional courses is up to eight weeks. This processing time may vary over the year depending on workload and may be longer when the number of applications is high.

If your studies abroad are to be transferred as credits in a particular main field of study or as a specific course, please contact your department about their processing time.

Apply for your degree online in Ladok. Log in and click on “Degrees and certificates” in the menu. Before you apply, please check your personal data in Ladok and that all courses have been registered with a final grade.

If you do not have access to Ladok, you can apply by an application form.

Degree application (pdf)

Licentiate and doctor degree application (pdf)

You can apply for a degree of doctor/licentiate online in Ladok or by an application for (pdf). Before you apply, ask your department to confirm that:

  • The decision ”All courses completed” has been registered in Ladok.
  • The licentiate/doctoral thesis has been registered with a passing grade.
  • The title/alternative title of the licentiate/doctoral thesis is correct.

Please check your personal data in Ladok and wait to apply until all registrations required are completed in Ladok.

If you have questions regarding which courses that can be included in your degree, you can contact the study counsellors who are specialised in specific subject areas.

Questions about subjects, courses or programmes (

Applications are processed in order based on application date. For professional degrees and licentiate/doctor degrees the processing time is up to three weeks. For other degrees including teaching degrees the processing time is up to eight weeks.

The degree certificate will be sent to the email address registered in Ladok. Please check your email address on “My pages” in Ladok.

If you have lost your degree certificate, you can contact us via the contact form. If it is urgent to verify that you have a degree, you can via Ladok share information about your degree with any recipient. You can also download a verifiable Official Transcript of Records with information about your degree.

If you do not have access to Ladok, you can order a printed Offical Transcript of Records.

More information regarding verification of studies.

Your degree certificate contains a link to the verification service where the recipient can verify that the document is authentic. You can also via Ladok share information about your degree with any recipient or download a verifiable Official Transcript of Records.

If you do not have access to Ladok, you can order a printed Official Transcript of Records from Servicecenter.

More information regarding verification of studies.

Du ansöker om examensbevis via Ladok och lärarlegitimationen hos Skolverket. Du blir behörig att undervisa i de ämnen och årskurser som anges på ditt examensbevis men kan av Skolverket få utökad behörighet om du läst ytterligare ämnen.

Information till dig som har läst kompletterande pedagogisk utbildning (

Studievägledning för lärarutbildning (

Om du har kompletterat dina studier med ytterligare undervisningsämnen och behöver utöka din lärarlegitimation med fler behörigheter så ansöker du om detta hos Skolverket. Du ansöker inte om ett nytt examensbevis.

Din ämneslärarexamen från KPU kommer att ange undervisningsämne och årskurser och du blir behörig att undervisa i de ämnen och årskurser som finns i din examen. Genom din lärarlegitimation kan du dock få behörighet att undervisa inom andra verksamhetsområden än åk 7-9 eller gymnasieskolan.

Kompletterande pedagogisk utbildning (

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