Department of Historical Studies
The Department of Historical Studies provides a meeting place for students and researchers interested in the subjects of Ancient History, Archaeology and History.
Our website can be found on the University of Gothenburg's website, Department of Historical Studies, where you can find news about our research and education. Here you will also find all events that are open to the public.
Information in Swedish
You can find the information for students at Department of Historical Studies on the Swedish version of this page. Click "Swedish" in the header to change language.
E-post till utbildningsadministration: historia@gu.se
Telefon: 031-786 4510
Telefontider: Vardagar 9.00-12.00 och 13.00-15.00
Studievägledare vid Institutionen för historiska studier
E-post till studievägledare: svl@history.gu.se
Telefontid studievägledare: Onsdagar kl 10.00 - 12.00