
What support do you need regarding AI?

We are currently reviewing the needs for support regarding generative AI among the University's students, so that we can develop guidance and support in academic language and writing.

Participate in the survey on generative AI

The information on this page is based on the University's guidance for teachers on using generative AI in education, published 9 October 2023.

The University’s position on generative AI

The University of Gothenburg does not prohibit the use of generative AI in education. Instead, the University allows teachers and examiners to decide if, when, and how generative AI may be used by students in coursework and examinations. This means that teachers and examiners can recommend, restrict, or permit the use of generative AI tools under certain circumstances.

Policies on generative AI will vary across courses, programs, departments, and faculties. Teachers and examiners are responsible for communicating their policies about generative AI to students. Likewise, students are responsible for familiarising themselves with and following these policies, including any restrictions placed on the use of generative AI to complete coursework and examinations.

What is generative AI?

Generative AI or generative artificial intelligence refers to tools that use probability models and machine learning methods to generate new content based on data from previously published content. Generative AI is currently used to create code, images, music, speech, text, and video.

Examples of generative AI tools you may have used or heard about include ChatGPT (OpenAI), BERT (Google), Github Copilot (Microsoft), Bing Chat Enterprise (Microsoft) and DALL-E (OpenAI).

Given the rapid pace of technological development, it is important to note that generative AI is being integrated into applications such as Microsoft Office. Despite the widespread availability and use of generative AI tools, it remains up to your teachers and examiners to decide if, when, and how you are permitted to use these tools in your coursework and examinations.

Differences from language assistance applications

Generative AI tools are different from language assistance applications such as Grammarly and Microsoft Editor. Unlike generative AI tools that create new content based on data from previously published content, language assistance applications identify errors and suggest corrections based on predefined rules.

Due to these differences, your teachers and examiners may have different policies for generative AI tools and language assistance applications.

Limitations of generative AI tools

Even if your teachers and examiners allow you to use generative AI, please keep in mind that these tools have limitations.

Tools like ChatGPT (OpenAI), Bing Chat Enterprise (Microsoft), and Bard (Google) can generate texts containing factual inaccuracies and fabricated references. Moreover, these tools can replicate and amplify biases present in their training data.

Given these limitations, you should not use generative AI to create fact-based content or to complete tasks that you do not have the knowledge and skills to complete yourself.

How generative AI can impact learning and examinations

Like any tool or resource, you are encouraged to think about how using generative AI will affect your learning and ability to meet course goals. If a generative AI tool is recommended in your course, your teacher or examiner will give you access to it.

It is also important to note that the University does not recommend checking your work with an AI detection tool as existing tools are unreliable.

Generative AI and the rules for examinations

In the context of examinations, the University of Gothenburg considers generative AI a tool and the University’s rules and regulations for first- and second-cycle examinations apply. The rules that are especially relevant to generative AI are listed below. Click on the text to read the explanation.

Additional guidance

Contact your teachers and examiners if you have questions about using generative AI tools to complete your coursework and examinations.