
Prove Your International Experience with the EUTOPIA Certificate of Internationalisation


As a student at the University of Gothenburg, you now have the opportunity to have your international experiences and skills officially recognized with a Diploma Supplement—a great way to highlight your international competence for future employers.

Developed by the EUTOPIA university alliance, this online program is non-credit-bearing, but upon completion, you can include it in your Diploma Supplement.

Through the program, you will expand your international network by participating in webinars with students from EUTOPIA’s partner universities. Guided by experienced academic instructors, you will reflect on what "internationalisation" means to you and create a reflective portfolio. This portfolio can include creative and multimedia elements that best suit you—such as written texts, creative projects, or video content.

Apply now! 

Apply on University of Warwick's website

EUTOPIA blue logo with the text An alliance of 10 European Universities
EU logo with the text "Co-funded by the European Union"

The University of Gothenburg is part of the European University Alliance EUTOPIA. The alliance consists of ten European Universities with a long-term vision of creating more mobility for students, researchers, teachers, and other staff. Projects get funding from the European Commision.