Department of Philosophy, Linguistics and Theory of Science
Welcome to the department of Philosophy, Linguistics and Theory of Science. You can take courses in Linguistics, Language Technology, Logic, Practical Philosophy, Theoretical Philosophy and Theory of Science.
Our six programmes
We give two bachelor's programmes and four master's programmes.
Bachelor's programmes given in Swedish:
Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (PPE) | gu.se/studera/hitta-utbildning/filosofi-politik-och-ekonomi-kandidatprogram-h1ppe
Bachelor's Programme in Liberal Arts,
Master's programmes given in English:
Master in Language Technology
Logic, Master's Programme,
and given in Swedish:
Master's Programme for communications officers in the public sector
Evidence-basing: practice, theory, context, Master's Programme
Prior to the start of the semester
Welcome to Humanisten and Gothenburg!
Those of you who applied to one of our master's programmes in Logic or Language Technology will receive a welcome message from us prior to the start of the semester, containing all information you need about registration, introduction date, schedule and literature.
Late registration
Starting on 15 December / 15 July, you can register late for many of the courses and some programmes. You can do this via www.antagning.se. The earlier you make a late application, the greater the chance of being admitted if there are vacancies.
New student studentportal.gu.se/en/new-student
Activate your student account studentportal.gu.se/en/digital-tools/student-account
How to register
Link to Ladok for registration
Information on Canvas
More information and schedule will be available on each course's open page on Canvas: https://canvas.gu.se/search/all_courses/
You search for your course by typing the course code in the top left field. Click on Course overview and you will find a link to the syllabus, reading list and schedule.
You can also search for the syllabus www.gu.se/en/study-gothenburg/study-options/find-syllabus-and-reading-list, type the course code in the search field at the top of the page.
Routines for exam delivery
Please contact the Education Administrator responsible for your course when you wish to get your written exams:
Philosophy, Logic: Anja Ehn, room C521
Master in Language Technology, Evidensbasing: Annika Herrström, room C526
Linguistics, Liberal Arts, Master in Communications: Sandra Schriefer, room C520
Study Counselling
Welcome to send us an email with your questions.
Representatives for Students
Representative in the Department Council – vacant
(If interested in this task, please contact Göta studentkår). The council provides a forum for dialogue and the discussion of strategic issues related to the Department’s activities and operations. The council acts as an advisory body to the Head of Department.
Students' Health and Safety Representative (SAMO) –
Mentor activities
For information about Mentorsverksamhet, the mentor activities at the department, please contact our coordinators
Jonathan Engstad and Joel Bogestad.
About Department of Philosophy, Linguistics and Theory of Science
Find Us
All teaching will take place in our building Humanisten, Renströmsgatan 6. Study guidance is available at floor 5.
Link to our department's new website: www.gu.se/en/flov