
Current Exhibition and Petition at Galleri Tripp Featured in the Media


On Sunday, March 2, an article was published by Docu publicisterna about the ongoing exhibition at Galleri Tripp at Vasagatan 50. Göteborgs-Posten has been in contact with Head of Department, Klara Björk, for a follow-up article. This is a clarification for staff and students regarding the questions that has been raised on the exhibition and the petition.

This text was sent on email to staff and students at HDK-Valand on  4 March, kl 13:42.

At Galleri Tripp (the left staircase at HDK-Valand, entrance Vasagatan), an exhibition by the group HDK-Valand Students for Palestine is currently on display. It is a temporary exhibition (February 24 – March 10) at Galleri Tripp, which has been intended since last fall to serve as our internal, student-run gallery for exhibitions. It is not an official exhibition but is part of a petition from the student group addressed to the leadership of HDK-Valand and the university, demanding action.

Klara Björk has emphasized to Göteborgs-Posten the importance of artistic freedom, academic freedom, and freedom of expression. She also stated that it is crucial to protect these values as well as to engage in conversations about difficult issues at an art academy. At the same time, we must all strive for a good working and study environment for everyone.

This is a time-limited, internal art exhibition that raises criticism to the leadership at HDK-Valand and the University of Gothenburg, taking place in a space intended for student exhibitions (Galleri Tripp). The situation in Palestine and the university's actions are matters that engage a large group of students and staff. Head of Department Klara Björk believes it is the university's role to raise and discuss relevant and important issues, including difficult ones. The opposite, to silence voices or not listen, would go against the open dialogue we must protect within academia. HDK-Valand's leadership does not have an overseeing role in the exhibitions held at Galleri Tripp, nor in this one. This exhibition is also directed towards the leadership of HDK-Valand and the university.

HDK-Valand’s primary task is to carry out its core mission of education and research. Klara Björk has highlighted that, in her experience, engagement from staff and students can coexist without negatively affecting the learning environment. Of course, it is important that all students and staff feel that they are in a good working and studying environment, and we have effective structures in place to ensure that.

Comments on Social Media and Email Inquiries

The articles have resulted in a number of comments on HDK-Valand's Instagram and Facebook. We have chosen to keep the comment sections open; everyone’s opinions are welcome as long as they do not involve threats, racism, or harassment of individuals— such comments will be removed. We respond to direct inquiries, but rhetorical questions are assessed on a case-by-case basis. Several emails have also been sent to Klara Björk and to HDK-Valand's info email with questions that we are answering.

Petitions Addressed to HDK-Valand's Leadership

The petition from HDK-Valand Students for Palestine (which the exhibition is part of) was raised by a student representative at the Department Council meeting on February 26.  The process moving forward with the petition and discussions between HDK-Valand Students for Palestine and the Student Union (Konstkåren) was described. Once the matter is handled by Konstkåren, it may be raised again at the Department Council. Members of the group HDK-Valand Staff for Palestine have, in a meeting with the Head of Department and assistant heads for education and research on February 26, presented the petition from the group and initiated a dialogue on issues that will be discussed at the leadership group meeting and the department council during the spring.


Has HDK-Valand Been Reported to the Justitieombudsman (Ombudsman of Justice)?

There are also reports on the website of the Jewish Central Council that HDK-Valand is being reported to JO (Justitieombudsman/Ombudsman of Justice) due to the exhibition. As of now, the University of Gothenburg has not received a formal complaint, but when it is submitted to the university from JO, it will be handled according to existing procedures.


Currently Published Articles (in Swedish):

The list will be updated in the news article at the Staff portal and Student portal


If you find the situation uncomfortable or feel your study or work environment is negatively affected

If you have concerns regarding your study or work environment, please contact the course or program coordinator or another appropriate person at the department. As an employee, please contact your manager first. Both students and staff can also report issues related to the study and work environment through the IA system:

Study environment (Student portal)

Published by:
HDK-Valand - Academy of Art and Design