
Do you want a research career? Learn how to present your undergraduate research to an international audience


Are you submitting your undergraduate thesis during spring term 2024? Or are you an undergraduate student that have worked on other research projects during your studies? Now you have the chance to present your research to an international audience!

The International Conference of Undergraduate Research (ICUR), will be held online on 26th -27th June 2024. ICUR is hosted by the University of Warwick, which together with the University of Gothenburg and eight other partners around Europe form the EUTOPIA alliance.

Become a skilled research presenter

Submission deadline is March 1st. Submissions can be on research in any discipline. ICUR is a supportive environment for you to explore and experience research dissemination and to develop critical skills for research careers and any other workplace.

More information can be found on the ICUR 2024 page.

Get support in writing your abstract

Full support is given to students who want to know more about the submission process and how to write an abstract suitable for an interdisciplinary and international conference. All training is hosted on the Student Community space on Teams.

You can request to join by filling out the interest form.

The dates of our next training sessions are as follows

How to Write an ICUR Abstract training session

  • 19th February 2024 from 09:00 - 10:00 (GMT) Abstract Writing

Bootcamps – where ICUR students and staff are online to answer questions and provide support

  • 27th February 2024 from 15:00 - 17:00 (GMT)
  • 29th February 2024 from 09:00 - 11:00 (GMT)