
New Option: Both IT Departments to the Faculty of Science


After careful consideration, Vice-Chancellor Malin Broberg wishes to work towards having both departments of the IT faculty jointly move to the Faculty of Science. This is based on dialogues and analyses conducted by the coordination group that has delved into the documentation related to the continued organization of the IT Faculty. However, the responsibility for making the decision lies with the University Board.

“The primary reason is the strategic advantage of keeping the IT area together. The assessment is that this will provide the best conditions for education and research within IT to continue to profile the University of Gothenburg cohesively and strongly, within existing and new collaborations, for example, within the life science cluster with the Sahlgrenska Academy, Chalmers, and VGR,“ says Malin Broberg.

The Vice-Chancellor had previously announced her intention to proceed with the proposals in the investigation of the IT faculty's organization and placement, which she received earlier this year. To handle the recommendations of the investigation, a coordination group was appointed, consisting of the Dean, heads of departments, and student representatives from the IT Faculty, Deans from the receiving faculties as proposed, and the Vice-Chancellor. The group has met regularly during the spring and analyzed various alternatives and delved into factual data.

“It has been an intense work characterized by a very constructive and forward-looking dialogue from everyone in the group,” says Malin Broberg.

Seeing benefits with one receiving Faculty

The investigation's recommendations were to move the Department of Applied IT to the Faculty of Social Sciences and the Department of Computer Science and Engineering to the Faculty of Science. The coordination group has also explored the possibility of a joint move to the Faculty of Science, which is the alternative the vice-chancellor now sees as the most desirable.

Malin Broberg emphasizes that the group has made a comprehensive analysis of strategic and practical challenges and opportunities in the short and long term.

“I assess that a joint receiving faculty is a strategic advantage and, overall, entails lower implementation costs for the University of Gothenburg as a whole than the alternative with two different receiving faculties.”

University Board decides on Faculty division

Regarding Faculty division, it is the responsibility of the University Board. At the board's meeting on June 11, the vice-chancellor will inform about the coordination group's work and the desired continued direction. The university board intends to make a decision no later than autumn.

“Critical to my decision is a continued vibrant environment that provides the best conditions for education, research, and the employees and students working within the expansive field of information technology at the University of Gothenburg,“ says Vice-Chancellor Malin Broberg.