Kuggen Building, and Dome of Visions
Photo: Julia Sjöberg

What will be next step for the IT Faculty?


The University of Gothenburg has started a review of the organisation of the IT area and a decision regarding the IT Faculty level will be taken during autumn 2024. The two departments at the IT Faculty are right now suggested to move to Faculty of Science. All the educations will in that case be transferred to the new Faculty and remain as they are.

What we know right now:

The organisation of the IT Faculty is being reviewed.

What is suggested:

NEWS 14 May: Both departments at the IT Faculty will according to the new proposition move to the Faculty of Science. The two departments at the IT Faculty will in that case be transferred as they are and all educations at the two departments will be moved to the new Faculty.

When will we have some kind of decision:

In the autumn of 2024 there will be a decision whether the IT Faculty level will remain or not.

The reason for the review of the IT Faculty organisation:

Chalmers University of Technology has made a decision to leave Lindholmen, which means that the Chalmers-integrated department at the IT Faculty, Dept of Computer Science and Engineering, will most likely move to Chalmers Johanneberg around 2029. In that situation the other department at the IT Faculty, Dept of Applied IT, needs new premises on the mainland, since the academic environment at Lindholmen is considered to be too small and costly when Chalmers is leaving. (And due to Chalmers' decision to leave Lindholmen, the management of the University of Gothenburg would like to also dismantle the Faculty level "IT Faculty" as such.)


What do all these suggestions mean for me as a student right now?

Nothing. The education continues just as usual!

IT related events such as the student career fair GÖSTA will also continue as before.

Will I have to move to a new campus for my studies?

No, not as a current student. Even if your department will move later on, this won't be before 2027 at the earliest, probably around 2029-30.

Will the educations at the IT Faculty disappear if the departments move to new Faculties?

No, they will be transferred to the new Faculties just as they are. There are no plans of dismantling any education.



Catharina Jerkbrant, Communications, IT Faculty

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IT Faculty