Photo: Julia Osterman

Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences

At BioEnv we give courses and programs and conduct research within areas dealing with the world around us. Biology is the the study of life, that is all living organisms and the processes that control them, whereas environmental sciences focus on the interplay between humans and nature.

Contact us

There are many persons that you may need to contact in various matters. For questions about your studies, refer first to the study counsellors or study administrators.

If you have questions regarding a specific course or lecture, contact the teacher or course coordinator. Note that you cannot enter the different floors without a card, so we recommend that you make an appointment by email or phone. For contact information to all employees, see staff.

Do you have more general questions about our educations, or if there are problems that can't be solved by the course coordinator etc, you may contact our directors of studies.

The prefect is head of department, and has the ultimate responsibility for our educations. If you need to contact the prefect or any other in the management group you find contact information under about us/organisation.

More information about us, our department and our research can be found at

About Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences

Type of organization
Belongs to faculty
Faculty of Science and Technology
Contact information
Post address
Box 463
Visiting address
Medicinaregatan 7 B

Our facilities

You find us in the Natrium building at "Medicinareberget" (close to the Sahlgrenska Hospital) in Gothenburg as well as at Kristineberg Center  in Fiskebäckskil.

Note that you cannot enter the different floors without a card, so we recommend that you make an appointment by email or phone. 


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