Faculty of Education

The education offered by this Faculty is directed at several areas within Education, for example learning and teaching among children, adolescents and adults, leadership and pedagogy. The Faculty provides education directed at teacher training as well as for qualified teachers. Among our students there are also future food economists, sports coaches, educational leaders and health promotion workers.

Contact information
Post address
Box 300
Visiting address
Västra Hamngatan 25

Our premises

The Faculty of Education is mainly located in Campus Rosenlund in three buildings, but parts are also located in the School of Sport Science building on Skånegatan and on Skolgatan.

Pedagogen House A 

Visiting Address: Västra Hamngatan 25

Bild på Pedagogen hus A, Västra Hamngatan 25. Huset består av en nyare glasad del och en ombyggd äldre.
Pedagogen, hus A, Västra hamngatan 25
Photo: Anna-Lena Lundqvist

Here you can find, among other things, the Pedagogen Service Center and the Pedagogical Library.

Faculty management and the Faculty office of Education, Administration and management for the Department of Education and Special Education (IPS) are also housed in the A building.

Pedagogen House B

Visiting Address: Läroverksgatan 15

Bild på Pedagogen hus B, Läroverksgatan 15. Huset är byggt som en kub med träpaneler och stora glaspartier.
Pedagogen hus B, Läroverksgatan 15
Photo: Anna-Lena Lundqvist

In building B there is management and administration for the Department of Education and Didactics (IDPP) and the Department of Education, Communication and Learning (IPKL).

Pedagogen House C

Visiting Address: Läroverksgatan 5

Bild på Pedagogen hus C, Läroverksgatan 15. Huset är en äldre byggnad (1861) var ursprungligen Göteborgs elementärläroverk.
Pedagogen, hus C, Läroverksgatan 5.
Photo: Anna-Lena Lundqvist

In building C there is management and administration for the Department of the Department of Nutrition and Sports Science (IKI).

The student union's office (Göta student union, Education science section) is in the C building. Entrance via Läroverksgatan 7.

The School of Sport Science 

Visiting Address: Skånegatan 14 B

The premises on Skånegatan house parts of the Department of Nutrition and Sports Science's operations.

Opening hours and study places

  • For opening hours, see Find the university.
  • For information about study places, see Book group rooms and other study places.



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