Master of Science in International Business and Trade

2 years
120 credits (ECTS)

Read more about Master of Science in International Business and Trade at

This page is for students on the Master of Science in International Business and Trade, and contains information and contact details relevant to your programme.

Students by table from above
Study counselling
Johan Jakobsson
Programme director

Your programme studies


Programme set up

Courses for student admitted 2024 and onwards.
Courses for student admitted 2023, see below. Find syllabus and reading list

Year 1, autumn term   

  • GM0116 International Business Environmental Analysis, 7.5 credits (period 1)
  • GM0127 International Entrepreneurship, 7.5 credits (period 2)
  • GM0118 International Strategic Management, 7.5 credits (period 3)
  • GM0126 International Business in the Asian Emerging Markets, 7.5 credits (period 4)

Year 1, spring term

  • GM0117 Globalisation of Innovation and the Multinational Company, 7.5 credits (period 1)
  • GM0124 Managing and Organizing the Multinational Corporation, 7.5 credits (period 2)
  • Elective, 7.5 credits (period 3)
  • Elective, 7.5 credits (period 4)

Year 2, autumn term

  • Elective, 7.5 credits (period 1)
  • Elective, 7.5 credits (period 2)        
  • GM0120 International Business and Trade Research Methods, 7.5 credits (period 3)
  • GM0121 International Business Environment Analysis and Strategic Management - Project, 7.5 credits (period 4)

Year 2, spring term

  • GM0161 Master Degree Project in International Business and Trade, 30 credits

Elective courses

Elective courses can be chosen from within the master's programme, or from other master's programmes at the Graduate school. A list of courses is made available to students each term. List of elective courses:

Course and programme evaluations

The purpose of the course and programme evaluations is to provide a base for quality control. The results of the evaluations are published at the Canvas page for evaluation results.  

Student representatives

Senior student representatives

Johan Chiu Falck,
Syed Hamza Waqas Ali Shah,

Junior student representatives

Charles Enyinnaya Iheke
Kalliopi Vourliaki

Exchange studies 

Specifics for students at International Business and Trade

You can choose to study abroad Term 2 or Term 3 under certain circumstances. During Term 2, both core courses (Globalisation of Innovation and the Multinational Company and Managing and Organizing the MNC) must be taken in Gothenburg.  

During Term 3, International Business Environment Analysis and Strategic Management – Project must be taken in Gothenburg. 

This means that you cannot study abroad during the three mentioned courses: 1) Globalisation of Innovation and the Multinational Company 2) Managing and Organizing the MNC 3) International Business Environment Analysis and Strategic Management – Project! 

Elective Courses 

1) Must be on a graduate level 2) cannot have the same/almost the same content as another course you have taken/will take within your programme 3) must cover the topics of business administration, finance, economics, economic history and/or economic geography.

Core course/s

If you cannot take the core course from a distance, you must find an approved replacement course. Note that all core courses except International Business and Trade Research Methods must be taken in Gothenburg. Find syllabus and reading list.

Exchange during Term 2

If you choose to study abroad during Term 2, you must take the following courses before the exchange: 

  • Globalisation of Innovation and the Multinational Company (must be taken in Gothenburg) 
  • Managing and Organizing the MNC (must be taken in Gothenburg).

Exchange during Term 3

If you choose to study abroad during Term 3, you must take the following courses: 

  • International Business and Trade Research Methods (can be taken as a distance course).
  • International Business Environment Analysis and Strategic Management – Project (must be taken in Gothenburg).

Master degree project 

The Master degree project course (a.k.a. Master thesis, 30 credits) is the final course in the second year, and it is crucial that you plan your studies accordingly to ensure that you can participate. The course has pre-requisites that needs to be fulfilled before the course starts. We encourage you to review the syllabus thoroughly to understand the specific requirements and make sure you fulfill them. Should you have any questions or concerns regarding the entry requirements please do not hesitate to reach out to the study counselling team.

During the autumn in the second year, there will be a preparation for the Master degree project when you design your research proposal and find a thesis partner. You will also be assigned a supervisor for your work. Should you have any questions or concerns regarding the Master degree project course, please get in touch with the course coordinator Richard Nakamura.

Karin Jansson
Administrative coordinator
Martin Öberg
Director of studies