Master of Science in Knowledge-Based Entrepreneurship
Read more about Master of Science in Knowledge-Based Entrepreneurship at
This page is for students on the Master of Science in Knowledge-Based Entrepreneurship, and contains information and contact details relevant to your programme.

Your programme studies
Find syllabus and reading list
Programme set up, students admitted 2023 and 2024.
Year 1, autumn term
- GM1324 Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship, 7.5 credits (period 1-2)
- GM0416 Entrepreneurship and New Business Development, 7.5 credits (period 1-2)
- GM1320 Personal and Professional Development for Entrepreneurs, 7.5 credits (period 3-4)
- GM0420 Innovation and Structural Transformation, 7.5 credits (period 3-4)
Year 1, spring term
- GM0415 Risk Management and Finance, 7.5 credits (period 1-2)
- GM1328 Assessing Entrepreneurial Ideas, 7.5 credits (period 1-2)
- GM1325 Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 7.5 credits (period 3-4)
- GM1341 Methods for Practical Entrepreneurship 1, 7.5 credits (period 3-4)
Year 2, autumn term
- GM1329 Entrepreneurship, Service & Design, 7.5 credits (period 1-2)
- GM1342 Methods for Practical Entrepreneurship 2, 7.5 credits (period 1-2)
- GM0422 Research Methods in Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 7.5 credits (period 3-4)
- GM1343 Methods for Practical Entrepreneurship 3, 7.5 credits (period 3-4)
Year 2, spring term
- GM1361 Master Degree Project in Knowledge-based Entrepreneurship, 30 credits
Student representatives
Information regarding student influence.
Senior student representatives
Si Lu
Sofie Iversen
Junior student representatives
Diyora Sobirova
Julia Cederquist
Course and programme evaluations
The purpose of the course and programme evaluations is to provide a base for quality control. The results of the evaluations are published at the Canvas page for evaluation results.
Exchange studies
You can choose to study abroad preferably during term 3. However, there is no formal hindrance for term 2, but you cannot take any of the core courses as distance courses. Please note that all exchange studies are subject to availability, and you need to apply for each term you wish to go on exchange. Please contact International Office for more information about the application process.
Exchange during term 2
If you study abroad during term 2, you must find replacements for the core courses:
- Assessing Entrepreneurial Ideas 7,5 ECTS
- Risk Management and Finance 7,5 ECTS
- Methods for Practical Entrepreneurship I 7,5 ECTS
- Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship 7,5 ECTS
Exchange during term 3
If you choose to study abroad during term 3, you must find replacements for the core courses:
- Entrepreneurship: Service and design 7,5 ECTS
- Methods for Practical Entrepreneurship II 7,5 ECTS
- Methods for Practical Entrepreneurship III 7,5 ECTS
- Research Methods in Innovation and Entrepreneurship 7,5 ECTS (can be taken as a distance course)
Core course
When looking for replacement courses for your core courses, start by reading the syllabi for the course you would have taken in Gothenburg. Find syllabus and reading list. For course approval, follow the Graduate School specific instructions on the Student Portal: Admitted to exchange studies | Student Portal
Master degree project
The Master degree project course (a.k.a. Master thesis, 30 credits) is the final course in the second year, and it is crucial that you plan your studies accordingly to ensure that you can participate. The course has pre-requisites that needs to be fulfilled before the course starts. We encourage you to review the syllabus thoroughly to understand the specific requirements and make sure you fulfill them. Should you have any questions or concerns regarding the entry requirements please do not hesitate to reach out to the study counselling team.
During the autumn in the second year, there will be a preparation for the Master degree project when you design your research proposal and find a thesis partner. You will also be assigned a supervisor for your work. Should you have any questions or concerns regarding the Master degree project course, please get in touch with the course coordinator Ethan Gifford.
Previous theses within Knowledge-Based Entrepreneurship:
Master's theses Knowledge-based Entrepreneurship | University of Gothenburg
Stena foundation's travel scholarship
The students in the MSc programme in Innovation and Industrial Management and the MSc programme in Knowledge-Based Entrepreneurship have the opportunity to apply for the Stena foundation's travel scholarship to conduct part of their their Master’s thesis project abroad.
The Foundation allocates funding for travel scholarships each year, starting in 2012. The recipients of the scholarships should essentially operate within the priority research areas set by the foundation. These are culture and health, and innovation and entrepreneurship.
The scholarships will enable students in the programmes to visit foreign universities, do fieldwork abroad and create their own international networks, as part of their Master’s thesis projects. Students from the master programmes Innovation and Industrial Management and Knowledge-based Entrepreneurship can apply for these grants.
Find out more information on the The Sten A Olsson Foundation for research and Culture and previous recipients.
Please see application form below. Last day to apply is January 3, 2025.