Master's Programme in Geography
Read more about Master's Programme in Geography_Structure and Syllabus at gu.se.
Welcome to the programme page for students enrolled in the Master's Programme in Geography.
Student administration
Study counselling
International coordinator (incoming and outgoing student exchange)
Director of studies
Emily Whitehurst Zack
Programme coordinator
Fredrik Lindberg
Student influence
Contact student representatives
Labs and opening hours
Finding your way at the University of Gothenburg
Course syllabus and reading list
Find course syllabus and reading list (www.gu.se)
Applying for courses within the programme
All program students must register for courses within the programme for the second and subsequent semesters. You register via antagning.se when the application period is open. The dates for the application period is found under "Important dates" on antagning.se.
When making your application, select the login option "Log in via student portal" and then the University of Gothenburg. Log in with your user account from the University of Gothenburg. Before the application period opens, you will receive an email with registration codes for your programme courses from the student administration (studentadmin@gvc.gu.se) so you can search for the courses.
Apply for courses during your studies
Options within the programme
The first semester of the programme consists of compulsory courses that will provide a solid foundation for your further studies. During the second and third semesters of the programme, you have the opportunity to take optional courses, if you wish. If you are going to take optional courses, you need to make sure that you still take the same number of credits in total. Your Master's degree may contain a maximum of 30 credits at first level and they may not be included in your qualifying bachelor's degree.
Please note that the course NGN230: Urban GIS is mandatory and is offered every other year. Students who start the Master's programme in an even year take the course in the third semester. The rest of the courses in the second and third semesters are optional for those students. Students who start the program in an uneven year take the course in the first semester. For these students, the entire second and third semester will be elective.
Prerequisites for program courses
With your bachelor's degree you are eligible for the Master's programme courses, but in order to start the degree project you must also have completed advanced courses in geography of at least 45 credits with approved results. You meet the requirement if you have followed the regular program structure and completed the courses.
During the second semester of the programme, you have the opportunity to do an internship within the framework of the course GE020A which corresponds to 15 credits, approximately ten weeks. The requirement for the internship is that it should have a clear link to the subject of geography. You must find an internship yourself. In order to be registered on the course you must submit a project plan and risk assessment to the programme coordinator Fredrik Lindberg before the start of the course. The course is not searchable via www.antagning.se
Degree project
During the last semester of the programme you will do your degree project of either 30 or 45 credits. Please note that if you want to do a degree project corresponding to 45 credits, you need to apply for the course GEO245 when the application period is open during the second semester of the programme, as the course starts already in the third octile of semester 3. It can be a good idea to think well in advance about what you want to write your degree project in.
More information about the degree project is available in Canvas after you have been registered for the course.
Previous examples of degree projects are published in Gothenburg University Publications Electronic Archive (GUPEA)