
Join the HDK-Valand Section of Konstkåren


The HDK-Valand Section of Konstkåren is looking for a new Chair and Vice Chair (both paid positions)! If you’re interested in student representation and want to make a difference, this is your change to get involved

Konstkåren invites you to the yearly meeting 26 March 2025, at 16.15, where the open positions will be announced, explained and elected for the coming academic year,

Are you interested?

No prior experience is needed, just a willingness to contribute. If you want more information beforehand, you are welcome to reach out via mail or meet us in our office (right at the main entrance of Valand) at 21 March 2025 at 16.00-17.30.

Your vote and participation matter! Come and be part of shaping our student community! 

Since this is a Student Union election only union members are allowed to vote in the election but everyone has the right candidate for the open positions.

Yearly meeting with election of Chair and Vice Chair for the HDK-Valand section

Welcome to the yearly meeting

26 March 2025, at 16.15
Glashuset, HDK-Valand's courtyard, Chalmersgatan 4

Published by:
HDK-Valand - Academy of Art and Design