
Photography by Thobias Fäldt
Photo: Thobias Fäldt
HDK-Valand's Research Days
For students
On 23-24 January 2025 it is time for HDK-Valand's annual research day, which this year are two days.
On 23-24 January 2025 it is time for HDK-Valand's annual research day, which this year are two days.
Note that changes have been made in the programme. Refresh your browser page to see the latest version.
HDK-Valand's Research Days are an opportunity to explore research themes and projects currently underway at HDK-Valand and to discuss them together with researching staff and other participants.
All students and staff at HDK-Valand are welcome!
Abstracts and map of venues below.
9:00-12:00: Introduction and welcome
Venue: Humanisten, Room J330
12:00-13:00: Lunch (not provided)
13:00-14:00: Presentations session 1
Venues: Vasagatan and Kristinelundsgatan
Please see map for all room locations.
Venue: Film studio, Storgatan
Moderator: Daniel Jewesbury
New venue: Glass house, Vasagatan
Moderator: Natalie Novik
Panel 1 – Elisabeth Hjorth (SV), Konstnärlig läsning och konsten att läsa
Venue: Monumentalen, Vasagatan
Moderator: Karin Peterson
Panel 2 – Helena Hansson, Understanding the HDK café as an action space – a room for maneuver
Venue: Former HDK café, Kristinelundsgatan
Moderator: Tarja Karlsson Häikiö
14:00-14:10: Break
14:10-15:10: Presentations session 2
New venue: Glass house, Vasagatan
Moderator: Niclas Östlind
Venue: Weaving room / vävsal (456), Kristinelundsgatan
Moderator: Ulises Navarro Aguiar
Workshop 1 – Nina Mangalanayagam (SV), Kollektiv spekulation på historien / Collective historical speculation
Venue: Film studio, Storgatan
The workshop is in Swedish and will be video recorded.
Maximum capacity 12 participants. First come, first served.
15:10-15.40: Break with fika in the entrance of both buildings
Venues: Vasagatan and Kristinelundsgatan
15:40-16:20: Presentations session 3
Venue: Weaving room, Kristinelundsgatan
Moderator: Natalie Novik
Venue: Film studio, Storgatan
Moderator: Niclas Östlind
16:30-17:30: Information session on the Centre for Art & the Political Imaginary (CAPIm)
Venue: Glashuset
Moderator: Niclas Östlind
17:30-18:30: Book launch, Collective Study in Times of Emergency, L’Internationale
Venue: Glashuset
Moderator: Nick Aikens
18:30: PARTY
Venue: Vasagatan entrance and stairways
19:30: Screening
Venue: Bio Valand, Storgatan
As a tribute to the visionary filmmaker Gunvor Nelson, who died aged 94 on January 6, we will be screening her internationally renowned film My Name is Oona (1969, 10 mins). Join us in Bio Valand to celebrate Gunvor’s life and work and to mark her passing
10:00-10:10: Intro and welcome in each room
10:10-11:10: Presentations session 4
New venue: Glass house, Vasagatan
Moderator: Karin Peterson
New venue: Stora hörsalen/auditorium (338), Kristinelundsgatan
Moderator: Tarja Karlsson Häikiö
11:10-11:20: Break
11:20-12:20: Presentations session 5
New venue: Stora hörsalen/auditorium (338), Kristinelundsgatan
Moderator: Niclas Östlind
New venue: Glass house, Vasagatan
Moderator: Nils Olsson
12:20-13:20: Lunch (not provided)
13:20-14:20: Presentations session 6
New venue: Stora hörsalen/auditorium (338), Kristinelundsgatan
Moderator: Karin Petersson
New venue: Glass house, Vasagatan
Moderator: Ulises Navarro Aguiar
Venue: Weaving room, Kristinelundsgatan
Moderator: Tarja Karlsson Häikiö
Denna session är helt på svenska
14:20-14:30: Break
14:30-15:30: Presentations session 7
Venue: Film studio, Storgatan
Moderator: Nils Olsson
Panel 3 – Sara Schmidt, Leakage in the Collective Practice of Protest
New venue: Glass house, Vasagatan
Moderator: Daniel Jewesbury
All the research displays are in project rooms in the Vasagatan building, on both Thursday and Friday.
See printed schedule in entrances for specific hours to meet the presenters.
Please see the map for locations (marked in pink)
Tobias Birgersson
Grave Marker
Room 2017
Kerstin Hamilton
Images of Science and the Construction of Science
Room 2012
Birgitta Nordström
Den omätbara sorgen
Room 2037
Anna Nygren & Andrea Pettit
Ethnogra-fish knittings, horseback ethnography and drawing+poetry as queerious practice
Room 2017
Tintin Wulia
From Meeting Point: Butsu-Butso Ko-kan/物々交換 & Landscape of Deception
Room 2023