Svartvitt fotografi av person som ligger på en brist i ett vitt rum
Thobias Fäldt
Foto: Thobias Fäldt

HDK-Valands forskningsdagar

För studenter

23-24 januari 2025 genomförs HDK-Valands årliga forskningsdag, som detta år är två dagar. Alla studenter på HDK-Valand är välkomna!

Händer på campus,
23 jan 2025 - 24 jan 2025
HDK-Valand, Göteborg (se programmet för specifika lokaler)

Observera att ändringar har gjorts i progammet. Ladda om sidan i ditt webbläsarfönster så du ser senaste versionen. 

HDK-Valands forskningsdagar är ett tillfälle att ta del av forskningsteman och forskningsprojekt som är aktuella på HDK-Valand och att diskutera tillsammans med forskande personal och övriga deltagare.

Alla studenter och personal på HDK-Valand är välkomna!

Abstrakt och karta hittar du längst ner på sidan.

Program Torsdag 23 januari

Namn i kursiv stil presenterar på svenska. Övriga presentationer är på engelska.

9:00-12:00: Introduction and welcome 
Venue: Humanisten, Room J330

  • Introductions and welcome
  • Presentation from Åsa Stjerna on her recently completed post-doctoral work at HDK-Valand, Sonic Visions of the Arctic (abstract under ‘individual presentations’ in the abstract document below)
  • Panel discussion with Torsten Hild, Kalle Klockars and Rebecka Nordström Graf on the further possibilities of the project Open Wood at Campus Steneby
  • Update from PARSE, with news on the 2025 conference

12:00-13:00: Lunch (not provided)

13:00-14:00: Presentations session 1
Venues: Vasagatan and Kristinelundsgatan

Please see map for all room locations.

Venue: Film studio, Storgatan
Moderator: Daniel Jewesbury

  • Niclas Östlind: Moment: an example of a collaborative and small scale and accumalative research method
  • Amra Heco: XR Technologies – A New Frontier for Arts Research and Education
  • Onkar Kular: Rebuilding Archives: An Oral Mixtape Methodology

New venue: Glashuset, Vasagatan
Moderator: Natalie Novik

  • Jennifer Hayashida: Translating "Guling": Technologies of Language, Race & Resistance in Sweden
  • Markus Bergström: Access to Land and Ways of Getting By
  • Maria Kapajeva: To be a border: How can artistic practices employ decolonial gestures and feminist tools to foster a sense of belonging and connection within postcolonial histories and the present moment?

Panel 1Elisabeth Hjorth (SV), Konstnärlig läsning och konsten att läsa
Venue: Monumentalen, Vasagatan
Moderator: Karin Peterson

Panel 2 Helena HanssonUnderstanding the HDK café as an action space - a room for maneuver
Venue: Former HDK café, Kristinelundsgatan
Moderator: Tarja Karlsson Häikiö

14:00-14:10: Break

14:10-15:10: Presentations session 2

New venue: Glashuset, Vasagatan
Moderator: Niclas Östlind

  • Jesper Norda: En Timme Timmar  (Presentation moved from Friday session 5)
  • Olle Essvik: Artists’ books and experimental publishing

Venue: Weaving room / vävsal (456), Kristinelundsgatan
Moderator: Ulises Navarro Aguiar

  • Özgün Dilek: Making the Critique of Design Studio
  • Tarja Karlsson Häikiö: Engaging Northern Children’s Perspectives on Sustainability: Collaborative Art-based Methods in Education
  • Lotta Hermansson & Emma Gyllerfelt (SV): Materialflödeskedjor för återbrukat material till slöjdundervisning

Workshop 1Nina Mangalanayagam (SV), Kollektiv spekulation på historien / Collective historical speculation
Venue: Film studio, Storgatan
The workshop is in Swedish and will be video recorded.
Maximum capacity 12 participants. First come, first served.

15:10-15.40: Break with fika in the entrance of both buildings 
Venues: Vasagatan and Kristinelundsgatan

15:40-16:20: Presentations session 3

Venue: Weaving room, Kristinelundsgatan 
Moderator: Natalie Novik

  • Ulises Navarro Aguiar: Design and the ethics of capitalization in the startup economy
  • Cathryn Klasto: "Risk is our Business"

Venue: Film studio, Storgatan
Moderator: Niclas Östlind

  • Klara Källström: A Critical Inquiry into the Exhibition Catalogue as Extended Artist Book Practice
  • Maja Gunn (SV): Textila Arv 

16:30-17:30: Information session on the Centre for Art & the Political Imaginary (CAPIm)
Venue: Glashuset
Moderator: Niclas Östlind

17:30-18:30: Book launch, Collective Study in Times of Emergency, L’Internationale
Venue: Glashuset
Moderator: Nick Aikens 

18:30: PARTY
Venue: Vasagatan entrance and stairways

19:30: Screening 
Venue: Bio Valand, Storgatan
As a tribute to the visionary filmmaker Gunvor Nelson, who died aged 94 on January 6, we will be screening her internationally renowned film My Name is Oona (1969, 10 mins). Join us in Bio Valand to celebrate Gunvor’s life and work and to mark her passing

Program fredag 24 januari

10:00-10:10: Intro and welcome in each room

10:10-11:10: Presentations session 4

New venue: Glashuset, Vasagatan
Moderator: Karin Peterson

  • Gertrud Olsson: Valhalla Public Bath Described In A Slovenian Context
  • Jessica Hemmings: Finding Prison-Made Textile Craft
  • Daniel Jewesbury: The Death of Venus

New venue: Stora hörsalen (338), Kristinelundsgatan
Moderator: Tarja Karlsson Häikiö

  • Fredrik Svensk: Inclusion? A Critique of the Art Criticism (Biennale Arte 2024 60th International Art Exhibition)
  • Jason Bowman: Reformulating "Human Resources: Remediating Art's Socially Engaged Participants"
  • Lieselotte van Leeuwen & Johnny Friberg: Hacking the City - Design Processes at Eye-height with Children

11:10-11:20: Break

11:20-12:20: Presentations session 5

New venue: Stora hörsalen (338), Kristinelundsgatan
Moderator: Niclas Östlind

  • Fredric Gunve: Leave no Line Behind, dense storytelling.
  • Camilla Johansson Bäcklund: Performance-based configuring with the fold in (educational) research (Presentation moved from Thursday session 2)
  • Nick Aikens: Radio: Towards a Research Proposal

New venue: Glashuset, Vasagatan
Moderator: Nils Olsson

  • Jack Faber: Selfie-Destruction: Exploring the Nexus of Wildlife, Selfies, and Mortality in Light of Proliferating ‘Selfie-killings’ and issues of Animal Privacy
  • Thomas Laurien: Affinity with Water Trees

12:20-13:20: Lunch (not provided)

13:20-14:20: Presentations session 6

New venue: Stora hörsalen (338), Kristinelundsgatan 
Moderator: Karin Petersson

  • Theodore Harper Davis: CANCELLED due to sick leave
  • Pelle Kronestedt: Recreating moments - autobiographical memories through photography and scents
  • Linda Sternö: PhD Studies in University of Pretoria
  • Jokum Lind Jensen: Revisiting the forged grille in the light of modernist painting.

New venue: Glashuset, Vasagatan
Moderator: Ulises Navarro Aguiar

  • Simon Fagéus: Constructing a reference room: exploring artificial ways of seeing through artistic practices.
  • Helena Kraff: Findings from the TiMS research project: exclusionary tendencies in tourism, tensions in transdisciplinary collaboration and response to critical research
  • Natalie Novik: Spatial Activism from the Margins

Venue: Weaving room, Kristinelundsgatan
Moderator: Tarja Karlsson Häikiö
Denna session är helt på svenska

  • Katarina Jansson Hydén (SV): Bildämnet och kommunikation av en inre och yttre identitetsorientering
  • Malena Wallin & Rebecka Nordström Graf (SV): Grupparbete i konstnärligt undersökande arbete – ett högskolepedagogiskt perspektiv

14:20-14:30: Break

14:30-15:30: Presentations session 7

Venue: Film studio, Storgatan 
Moderator: Nils Olsson

  • Anna Strand & Helga Härenstam: The Exposed Eye
  • Kelly Ka-Lai Chan: Landscape of Deception:  Everyday Slippages of the 1965-66 Mass Killings in Indonesia
  • Tintin Wulia: Dance as Evidence: On Origin, Belonging, and Ownership

Panel 3 – Sara Schmidt, Leakage in the Collective Practice of Protest
New venue: Glashuset, Vasagatan
Moderator: Daniel Jewesbury

Research Process Displays & Exhibitions
(torsdag och fredag)

All the research displays are in project rooms in the Vasagatan building on both Thursday and Friday. 
See printed schedule in the entrances for specific hours to meet presenter.
Please see the map for locations (marked in pink).

Tobias Birgersson 
Grave Marker 
Room 2017 

Kerstin Hamilton 
Images of Science and the Construction of Science
Room 2012

Birgitta Nordström 
Den omätbara sorgen 
Room 2037

Anna Nygren & Andrea Pettit
Ethnogra-fish knittings, horseback ethnography and drawing+poetry as queerious practice
Room 2017

Tintin Wulia 
From Meeting PointButsu-Butso Ko-kan/物々交換 & Landscape of Deception
Room 2023