
Application for exchange studies opens on 7th of September


Spend part of your study time abroad! As a student at the School of Business, Economics and Law, you have many different opportunities for going abroad.

Applications for the upcoming spring semester.

7 September: Online application opens

15 September (23:59): Application deadline for spring semester.

Week 39-40: Students who have been selected for an exchange spot will be advised by email. The deadline to accept or rejcect the offered spot will be just a few days later.

Who can apply?


• You must be admitted to the School of Business, Economics and Law at the time of application and at the time of the planned exchange.

• Students at the Bachelor Program in Business and Economics (Ekonomprogrammet) should have completed at least 60 hp/credits by the time of application 

• Law students should have completed at least 135 hp/credits by the time of application, of which 120 hp/credits should be from year one and two, and 15 hp/credits from year three.

• Bachelor students at the Program in Environmental Science (SMIL) should have completed at least 60 hp/credits

• Bachelor students at the Programme in Economic History and Human Geography should have completed at least 60hp/credits by the time of application

• Graduate School students must have finished their bachelor degree by the time of application. Note that you don't need to have a degree certificate, but have obtained all credits required for your degree. 


Specific requirements for your programme

MSc in Marketing and Consumption
MSc in Management
MSc in Finance
MSc in Economics
MSc in International Business and Trade
MSc in Innovation and Industrial Management
MSc in Accounting and Financial Management
MSc in Logistics and Transport Management
MSc in Knowledgebased Entrepreneurship

 Bachelor's Programme in Business and Economics (pdf 0,1 mb)

For all bachelor programmes taught in Swedish, click here and scroll down to faculty-specific information

Documents to be included


- Academic Purpose Statement (APS) in English
In this letter you should motivate why the preferred partner school and its course offer are relevant to your specific studies and how it best suits your academic and professional purposes. Please also express why you would be a good representative and ambassador for the School of Business, Economics and Law.

Please write this letter in English and with your first choice of schools in mind. Write only one letter which should not exceed one A4 page in length.

The APS will only be used for the selection process at the School of Business, Economics and Law and will not be forwarded to the partner university.

- CV (Resume) in English or Swedish
Upload a CV with your application. Your resume is a way to promote yourself and give a broader and more personal presentation of yourself in addition to your academic achievements. Language skills should be mentioned in your CV.

- Official detailed Transcript of Records from Ladok
An updated and detailed Transcript of records from the School of Business, Economics and Law must be uploaded. The transcript should show the results for all course modules. 

You can download the transcript directly from the Student Portal
(it doesn't have to be signed and stamped)

--> For credits reported after 1 February; you don't have to upload a new Transcript of Records, the International Office will add these credits to your application. You don't have to do anything. Note that this is only for results from the main exam (not re-exams). 



- Proof of English language proficiency
Some partner universities require an English proficiency test. If a TOEFL or IELTS test is required, your test result must be uploaded by 11 February (for exchange in autumn) or 1 June (for exchange in spring).

Please refer to our website for specific requirement for the relevant partner university, and remember to upload your test results with your online application, if required by the school(s) of choice.

Read more about IELTS
Read more about TOEFL


- Proof of proficiency in other languages
If the schools of your selecion require proof of language proficiency you must submit such a proof in your application.

Please refer to our website for specific requirement for the relevant partner university and remember to upload the required language proficiency document.

- Break from studies
The International Office takes into account study breaks, if stated in your application and if it has been officially registered for – thus you should not have received any credits during this period

- "Buddy-points" (fadderpoäng) - Note!
The president of IntU will provide the International Office with a list of all students who have been active as buddies for incoming exchange students - you don't have to upload any proof with your Online Application. You will be awarded one credit for each semester as an active buddy, and maximum two.


Selection process

The aim of the School of Business, Economics and Law is that as many students as possible may have the opportunity and privilege to spend a semester at one of our partner universities. To ensure students are equipped to both succeed academically and to best represent the School, an overall assessment and selection is made according to your academic results, and a ranking score is calculated.

The following items are required to support your application:

  • Academic Purpose Statement (APS) in English
  • CV (Resume) in English or Swedish
  • Official Transcript of Records (detailed) from Ladok in English
  • If applicable:
  • Proof of relevant language proficiency
  • - Study break (statement from Ladok or similar)

Detailed information on Ranking score

Allocation of spots

Your ranking score is calculated based on academic results. Your credits are multiplied according to the following model:

VG is multiplied with 1.5, with 1
AB is multiplied with 1.5, BA with 1.25 and with 1
A & B is multiplied with 1.5, C with 1.25 and D & E with 1

The total sum is divided with the number of semesters you have been registered at the School of Business, Economics and Law. Students are ranked according to their average score and the student with the highest score will have the first choice of destination. In the event that two students have equal ranking score and qualifications, priority will be given to the student who has not previously been on exchange, and/or fulfills additional requirements set by the specific School, if applicable. All else being equal, a lottery will be drawn.

The Graduate School - Master students

Master's students on their first semester, applying in the September round, are ranked within the following selection groups:

  • GMAT-score
  • Admission score for admission to the Graduate School (number of credits achieved)

For students applying for exchange during their third semester, your ranking score is calculated based on your achieved credits during semester one.

Academic Purpose Statement

In this letter you should motivate why the preferred partner school and its course offering are relevant to your specific study plan and scope of your program, as well as how it best suits your academic and professional purposes. Please also express why you would be a good representative and ambassador for the School of Business, Economics and Law.

Relevant language skills

If you plan to study in another language than English you must submit proof your proficiency.

Please note that many factors have to be taken into consideration in the selection process as many partner universities have their own requirements with regards to, for example, distribution of spots between levels and/or subject areas and they reserve the right to refuse our nomination if the student does not fulfill the requirements.

Course Selection - Recognition within your degree from the University of Gothenburg

See a list of the lowest accepted ranking score for our partner universities, academic year 2023/24:

 Lowest accepted ranking score (pdf 0,2 mb)

Course Selection - Recognition within your degree from the University of Gothenburg

Start planning your studies

When selecting a university you should check the relevant school's course offer. You have to make sure that you choose a partner university that offer courses that are compatible with the requirements for your program.

Can you take optional courses or do you need to take core courses during your exchange? What level of courses should you take? Each exchange agreement is signed within a specific subject area and at a specific level. Read more about each partner university to investigate each School's course offer; you can find a link to the course offer under each partner university.

It is your study counsellor who approves your course selection at the host university. Note however, that a formal approval of courses will be not be given until after acepting an offered spot. 

In most cases you will do a preliminary course selection before departure. The host institution will inform you about the course selection process once you have been assigned a spot.

Note! The course selection must be approved by your counsellor before registering for courses at the host university. 

Please note that the International Office cannot help you with your course selection.

Approved subject areas
The following subject areas can be included in your degree from the School depending on your programme or study field:

  • Business Administration
  • Economic Geography
  • Economic History
  • Economics
  • Finance
  • Human Geography
  • Law
  • Logistics
  • Statistics

Courses that correspond to - or are similar to - courses you have taken previously, or will take after return from your exchange, will not be approved.


Available Spots - Exchange Studies Spring Semester 2025


Innsbruck, Innsbruck University         
Business, Economics B / M 

Vienna, Vienna University of Economics and Business 
Business, Economics B 


Brussels, Solvay Brussels School of Econ&Mngmt 
Business, Economics B / M  

Leuven, KU Leuven Business,
Economics B / M 


Beijing, Beijing Jiao Tong University 
Business, Economics B / M 

Chengdu, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics 
Business, Economics B / M 

Hong Kong, City University of Hong Kong 
Business, Logistics, Economics B 

Hong Kong, Hong Kong Baptist University Business,
Economics, Law B 

Hong Kong, Hong Hong Polytechnic University  
Business B 

Shanghai, Tongji University, School of Economics and Management 
Business, Economics B / M 

Shenzhen, Chinese University of Hong Kong,
Business, Economics, Finance B / M


Aarhus, Aarhus School of Business and Social Sciences Business, Economics, Law, Logistics B / M 

Odense, University of Southern Denmark 
Business, Economics, Law B / M 


Helsinki, Aalto University 
Business, Economics, Logistics B / M 

Helsinki, Hanken School of Economics 
Business, Economics B / M 

Helsinki, University of Helsinki 
Law B / M 

Rovaniemi, University of Lapland  
Law B / M 


Bordeaux/Marseille, KEDGE Business School 
Business B / M 

Grenoble, EM Grenoble 
Business B / M 

Le Havre, EM Normandie (campus also in Caen, Paris, Oxford, Dublin, Dubai) 
Logistics, Business, Economics B / M 

Nantes, Audencia 
Business, Logistics B / M 

Rouen, NEOMA Business,
Economics B / M 


Frankfurt, Goethe University Frankfurt 
Business, Economics, Finance B / M 

Heidelberg, University of Heidelberg 
Law B / M  

Mannheim, University of Mannheim 
Business, Economics, FinanceB / M 

Munich, University of Munich 
Law B / M 


Ferrara, University of Ferrara 
Law B / M 

Milan, Bocconi University Business,
Economics, Finance, Law B / M 


Kyoto, Doshisha University Business,
Economics B 

Sapporo, Hokkaido University Business (B),
Economics (B/M)B / M 

Tokyo, Meiji University 
Business B 

Tokyo, Waseda University 
Business,Economics, Law B / M 


Riga, Riga Graduate School of Law 
Law M 


Bangi, National University of Malaysia, UKM Business,
Economics, Finance B / M 


Mexico City, CIDE 
Economics, Law B / M 

Mexico City, EBC 
Business, Economics, Finance, Law, Logistics B / M 


Rabat, Rabat Business School 
Business, Economics B / M 


Maastricht, Maastricht University
Business, Economics, Finance B / M 


Bergen, Norwegian School of Economics, NHH 
Business, Economics B / M 

Tromsø, University of Tromsø 
Law B / M 


Lima, Pacífico University 
Business, Economics, Finance, Law B / M  


Warsaw, Kozminski University 
Business, Economics, Law B / M 


Singapore, Singapore Management University 
Business, Economics, Finance, Law, Logistics B 


Ljubljana, University of Ljubljana 
Business, Economics B / M  


Madrid, Comillas Pontifical University 
Business, Economics, Finance B / M 

Salamanca, University of Salamanca 
Business, Economics B / M 


Taipei, National Taiwan University, College of Management 
Business, Economics B / M


Bangkok, Thammasat School of Economics 
Economics B / M 


Ankara, METU 
Business, Economics B 

United Kingdom 

Dundee, University of Abertay 
Law B / M 

Glasgow, University of Glasgow 
Law B / M 

Norwich, University of East Anglia 
Business, Economics B 

United States 

Columbia, Darla Moore Business School, University of South Carolina
Business, Economcs, Finance B 

Marina CA, University of California at Monterey Bay
Business, Economics B

Pullman, Washington State University 
Business, Economics B


Hanoi, Foreign Trade University 
Business, Economics B 

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School of Business, Economics and Law